ETCN Responsible Use Policy
A Responsible Use Policy (RUP) is a policy that treats the student as a person who is responsible for their own ethical and appropriate use of technology, including the Internet, school networks, and any devices. As part of the policy, students received this information in their student handbook, course syllabus, and/or during the registration process.
Education to Career Network of North San Diego Responsible Use Policy (RUP)
Statement of Purpose
Education to Career Network teachers and students use technology and internet-based tools in the classrooms on a regular basis to support student learning and prepare students to engage in the rapidly changing world. These technologies improve student communication and collaboration skills, provide an authentic audience, and extend learning beyond the classroom while building digital citizenship skills. Student access to technology requires responsible, courteous, efficient, and legal use. Our goal in providing access to these resources is to enhance learning experiences and to educate students in responsible and appropriate use. It is important that students recognize that information posted on the internet is public, permanent, and needs to be appropriate.
Terms of Agreement:
- I agree to follow teachers’/building/district instructions when using technology.
- I agree to be polite, considerate, and to use appropriate language.
- I agree to report and/or help prevent any bullying, abuse, or harm to others.
- I agree to tell an instructor or staff member if I read, see, or access something inappropriate, or if I witness inappropriate use of technology.
- I agree to follow all filters and security measures.
- I agree to use technology carefully and to conserve district resources
- agree not to share my passwords, except with my teacher or administrator of the adult school (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or FERPA).
- I agree to use only my own files and folders. I will not access another individual’s files and folders without his/her permission.
- I agree not to reveal or post personal information belonging to myself or another person (i.e., passwords, addresses, or telephone numbers).
- I agree to follow copyright laws.
- I agree to follow the technology check-out process.
Following Federal, State, and local laws, ETCN School Districts will protect student and employee data. However, I understand that my use of any district technology (computer, network, internet, resources, etc.) will be monitored and is neither private nor confidential to district/authorized personnel. I understand that if I violate this agreement, district policies, and procedures, or my student handbook, I may not be allowed to continue to use technology or I may receive other appropriate consequences.