Employment Resources
Job Leads and Resource Board
- During this unprecedented time, the Escondido Adult School staff are here to help you with your career needs.
- Our Job Leads and Resources Board includes job opportunities in San Diego County, unemployment information, career fairs, and resources for navigating your job search in the virtual world.
- Click here on Job Leads and Resource Board to "follow us" and receive hot off-the-press notifications to help your career!
All links open in a new browser window/tab:
San Diego Workforce Partnership
- A great, comprehensive resource for jobs and career development in our region: https://workforce.org/
Goodwill Industries of San Diego (sdgoodwill.org)
315 W. Washington Ave.
315 W. Washington Ave.
Escondido, CA 92025
Goodwill Community Employment is here to help you with your resume, looking for jobs online, and other employment services, free of charge.
Goodwill Community Employment is here to help you with your resume, looking for jobs online, and other employment services, free of charge.
Goodwill Job Search & Career Planning Service Centers
Apprenticeship Resources
- A comprehensive guide to apprenticeships, how to apply, how they can help your career goals, and what is available by state. https://www.resumebuilder.com/apprenticeship-resources-by-state/
Volunteer Opportunites
- Kaiser Permanente hospitals of San Diego and their local clinics have immediate volunteer opportunities available to adult school students. https://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/care-near-you/southern-california/san-diego/community-events/volunteer-services/
If you need help navigating their volunteer process, contact Transition Coordinator, Oscar Lopez at [email protected]
Check out our social media for current job postings with our local business partners across San Diego and North County.