Typing Certificates
Typing Certificate Testing:
- Photo ID Required
- Appointments are mandatory. Walk-ins will not be serviced.
- $10 attempted exam fee. This fee includes 3 attempts to pass the typing certification exam.
- If the candidate passes the exam, there is an additional $25 fee for successful exam certification.
- The total $35 fee includes
- 3 attempts
- 2 hard copy certificates
- a .pdf certificate sent to the candidate's email.
To make an appointment:
- Please email: [email protected]
- Or, please call 760-737-8000
- Please include your full name (first and last), email address, phone number, and a preference of day/time (see below for typing exam hours) in your email or voicemail message.
- An EAS office clerk will contact you with current available appointments. Your appointment is not confirmed until you have spoken to or received an email from an EAS clerk.
- We offer typing exams Monday - Thursday 10am - 11am and 1:30pm - 2:30pm.
- We anticipate being able to offer late afternoon and/or evening appointments in the Fall 2024. Check back later for updated info regarding afternoon/evening appts.