
Please check our registration site or catalog for the most up-to-date
class dates, times, and orientation schedules for your specific program.
Put on a happy face and get in touch with your inner artist! 
  • In this course, students learn to see their own experiences as subjects.
  • Both man-made and natural objects will be explored.
  • Various black and white and colored media will be introduced, such as graphite pencil, colored pencil, pen and ink, watercolor, and printmaking.
  • The course is for all levels.
  • Supply lists handed out on the first day of class. Students may spend $50 or more on supplies.
  • Using the colorful medium of watercolor, students learn to see the world around them through the eyes of an artist.
  • The course is for beginning to advanced-intermediate students and covers the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design/Composition, so students can apply them to create successful paintings.
  • Various subjects and techniques are presented with a light-hearted approach.
Please see our online registration page or our catalog for class dates and times!
Your Favorite Class May Be Cancelled If You Don’t Register Early! Register Today!